I am using gcc 4.4.5 with the c++0x extensions turned on and am having some
issues defining static variables inside partially specialised template
classes. I've put together some fairly straight-forward demonstration code
as follows:
struct C1
C1() : i(0)
{ printf("default constructor\n"); }
C1(const C1& other) = delete;
/*C1(const C1& other) : i(other.i)
{ printf("copy constructor\n"); }*/
int i;
struct C2
static C1 op;
template <typename T>
struct C3
static C1 op;
template <typename T>
struct C4
static C1 op;
// Initialise C2::op
C1 C2::op;
// Initialise C3::op for type int
template<> C1 C3<int>::op;
// Initialise C4::op for type int
template<> C1 C4<int>::op = C1();
int main()
printf("%i\n", C2::op.i);
printf("%i\n", C3<int>::op.i);
printf("%i\n", C4<int>::op.i);
return 0;
Like this the code fails to compile with the error "deleted function
C1::C1(const C1&) used here" referring to the line that initialises
C4<int>::op since it appears to need the copy constructor. I say "appears"
since if I give C1 a copy constructor, then I find when running the code
that it doesn't actually call the copy constructor.
However, if the compiler error is fixed, then a separate linker error
occurs: "undefined reference to 'C3<int>::op'". It therefore seems that it
is not possible, at least by this syntax, to default construct C3<int>::op.
This is in contrast to the default construction of C2::op which is possible.
Is there another syntax by which I can default construct C3<int>::op? -
since the implementation I will need of C1 requires that the copy
constructor be disabled and so the syntax I use with C4<int>::op is not
going to be possible.