Novice question on gcj - Error finding java imports

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Sorry, but I am a novice at gcc and gcj.  I have attempted to decipher
the man pages and have made several goes at compiling a set of .java
into an .exe.

I have put into this mail the 3 sets of information in order of appearance
- The gcj command that I use
- The error retrun by gcj
- The source code of my java class

##### Command
$ gcj --classpath="/home/Vincent Lim/.;/home/Vincent Lim/stpcc.jar;/home/Vincen
t Lim/stpcmmn.jar;/home/Vincent Lim/stpwvcm.jar;/home/Vincent Lim/jcifs-1.3.14.
jar;/home/Vincent Lim/commons-codec-1.3.jar;/ome/Vincent Lim/remote_core.jar" -
-main=CCQARequest.class *.java

##### Error error: Class or interface `jcifs.smb.SmbFileOutputStream' not
found in import.
   import jcifs.smb.SmbFileOutputStream;
          ^ error: Type `SPHAuthenticator' not found in declaration of fi
eld `authentic'.
        private final SPHAuthenticator authentic;
                         ^ error: Type `SPHAuthenticator' not found in the declaration o
f the argument `a' of method `<init>'.
        public HandShake(final SPHAuthenticator a) {
                                  ^ error: Type `QaRequest' not found in the declaration of the a
rgument `event' of method `writeHandShake'.
        public void writeHandShake(final QaRequest event) throws HandShakeExcept
                                            ^ error: Type `ConfigProxy' not found in the declaration of the
 local variable `cp'.
                        final ConfigProxy cp = new ConfigProxy();
                                 ^ error: Type `SmbFileOutputStream' not found in the declaratio
n of the local variable `output'.
                        final SmbFileOutputStream output = new SmbFileOutputStre
am(new SmbFile(url));
6 errors

##### Source
import javax.wvcm.PropertyRequestItem;
import javax.wvcm.ProviderFactory;
import javax.wvcm.PropertyRequestItem.PropertyRequest;
import javax.wvcm.ProviderFactory.Callback;


public class CCQARequest {

     * @author Vincent Lim
     * This private class is used to provide an authenication ID and
password for the trigger script
     * to call the CM server.
     * Input :    CM server URL
     *             User ID
     *             Password
     * @return Callback class from CM API
     * Purpose     (1) to check if the baseline is in "INITIAL" state,
if not block chbl operation
     *             (2) to check if the requestor belongs to the group
owning the UCM project, if not block chbl operation
     * Logic    - Set the return flag to the trigger to FALSE first to
ensure operation will fail unless we allow it to pass
     *             - Get the environmental variables from ClearCase
available from the trigger event
     *             - Login to CM Server using a Admin ID and encrypted Password
     *             - Get the UCM Project permission property that
tells us which group owns the project
     *             - Get the promotion level of the baseline been
requested to be deploy to QA environment
     *             - Ensure promotion level is "INITIAL", if not
return FALSE to stop chbl operation
     *             - Get the requestor group from creds.exe
     *             - Compare the requestor group to the ucm project group
     *             - If equal, write handshake file and return TRUE to
permit chbl to run
     *             - If not, return FALSE to stop chbl operation
    private static class sphAuthCallback implements Callback {
        private final String serverUrl;
        private final String login;
        private final String password;

        public sphAuthCallback(String serverUrl, String login, String
password) {
            this.serverUrl = serverUrl;
            this.login = login;
            this.password = password;

         * @param domain, retries
         * Instantiate Authenication class from CM API
         * Input :     AD Domain which CM server is in
         *             retries number of attempts to login to CM
server (set to 0, ie once only)
        public Authentication getAuthentication(String realm, int
retries) {
            // @debug
            trace("Logging in to CCRC server: " + serverUrl);
            trace("Login:    " + login);
            trace("Password: " + password);

            // Retry count > 0 means authentication failed.
            // Perhaps password was wrong or login domain was left out?
            myAssert(retries == 0);

            return new Authentication() {

                 * Provide loginName() implementation require by CM API
                public String loginName() {
                    // On Windows servers, this should return domain and
                    // username separated by a backslash
                    return login;

                 * Provide password() implementation require by CM API
                public String password() {
                    return password;

     * @param expr
     * Method to handle return errors from CM Server
    static void myAssert(boolean expr) {
        if ( ! expr) {
            throw new AssertionError();

     * @param string
     * Method for internal debugging of class
    static void trace(String string) {
             System.out.println("##### " + string);

     * Get the Provider class of the CM API use as proxy to ClearCase
data in VOBs
     * Establish authentication callback for logging in to the CM server.
     * @return new ClearCase provider
     * @throws Exception if provider cannot be instantiated
    static CcProvider getProvider(String serverUrl, String login,
String password) throws Exception
        // instantiate the callback class
        Callback callback = new sphAuthCallback(serverUrl, login, password);

        // instantiate the CCprovider class using the callback class,
provider set to ClearCase only as ClearQuest is not deployed
        CcProvider provider = (CcProvider)

        // set the CM Server URL, ie http://wss33/TeamWeb/services/Team

        // @debug
        trace("Provider created");

        // return the ClearCase provider
        return provider;

     * @param args Empty arguments from system initialization call
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // flag to return to calling ClearCase trigger
        // @return non-zero will fail the trigger and block the
ClearCase operation
        // @return 0 will permit the ClearCase operation to continue,
ie change the promotion level
        int returnflag = 1;

        // instantiate the QaRequest class that will get the event
data from the environment variables
        QaRequest event = new QaRequest();

        // @debug

        try {
            // create the Authenicator class that retrieves the Admin
ID and password
            final SPHAuthenticator auth = new SPHAuthenticator();
            final ConfigProxy sphConfig = new ConfigProxy();

            // get the CCprovider using the WSS3 URL, Admin ID and Password
            final CcProvider sphProvider =

            // get the UCM project of interest
            // using the information in the ClearCase event
            // UCM project environment variable provide by ClearCase trigger
            CcProject sphProject =

            // prepares the properties that we want from the UCM
Project in the VOB
            PropertyRequest wantedProps = new PropertyRequest(new
PropertyRequestItem[] { CcProject.PERMISSIONS });

            // fill the Provider proxy with the actual data from the VOB
            sphProject = (CcProject) sphProject.doReadProperties(wantedProps);

            // get the UCM baseline of interest
            // using the information in the ClearCase event
            // UCM baseline environment variable provide by ClearCase trigger
            CcBaseline sphbl =

            PropertyRequest wantedPropsAgain = new PropertyRequest(new
PropertyRequestItem[] { CcBaseline.PROMOTION_LEVEL });

            // fill the Provider proxy with the actual data from the VOB
            sphbl = (CcBaseline) sphbl.doReadProperties(wantedPropsAgain);

            // get the promotion level as a string for string comparison
            String plevel = sphbl.getPromotionLevel();

            // @debug

            // check if promotion level is "INITIAL", otherwise do not
permit baseline to be send to QA implementation
            if (plevel.equalsIgnoreCase("INITIAL")) {

                // get the group that owns the UCM project, ie CMIS, ADNET or ZZ
                String sphGroup =  sphProject.getPermissions().getGroupName();

                // instaniate the proxy for the user to fire the
trigger/ClearCase event
                // ie the person trying to implement the baseline to QA
                UserProxy usergrps = new UserProxy();

                // check if the person submit a QA request (via
promotion level change) is a member
                // of the group that owns the UCM project
                // if not, person will not be permitted to make the QA request
                // else we will prepare the handshake file require by
                if (usergrps.chkUserInGroup(event.getRequestor(), sphGroup)) {

                    try {
                        // instantiate the HandShake class to write
the data require by PRE_AUTOGEN
                        HandShake passon = new HandShake(auth);

                        // send the QA request to the handshake class
to write out

                        // allow the trigger operation, ie chbl to continue
                        System.out.println("Finish writing handshake");
                        returnflag = 0;
                    } catch (HandShakeException e) {
                        returnflag = 1;

        } catch (Exception e) {

        System.out.println("Exiting trigger");


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