Dear Sir/Madam, I have some questions about GCC/G++ 4.4.1. The first questions is that we find that the gcc compiler support some C99 extensions by default. For example, the gcc 4.4 document says "New character data types, per TR 19769: New character types in C, are now supported for the C compiler in -std=gnu99 mode, as __CHAR16_TYPE__ and __CHAR32_TYPE__". However, the new __CHAR16_TYPE__ and __CHAR32_TYPE__ are recognized by the compiler by default. And it seems the -ansi and other -std options do not work. Do you aware this bug? Another thing is that I am reading the document about porting to gcc 4.4 here: I am interested in the 'Header dependency changes' section. It means our legacy codes need to be change for this. Could you tell me why you made this change? Thank you very much and I am looking forward to here from you. Best regards, Lily Lee