Need C optimization help

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Hi All,

I have a line that gets called approxmiately 2 trillion times according to 
valgrind, and I love any suggestions for speeding it up. I have taken over the 
project from someone else and my C abilities are only intermediate. I've 
attached a trimmed down version of the function.

Here are some notes about the code:
* tsMemAlloc and tsMemFree are basically wrappers to malloc/free.
* dsfmt_genrand_close_open() generates a number in the range [0,1)

And notes about the data:
* n_topics is 35 (loaded from a configuration file; changeable)
* n_tokens is about 7M (and increases as the data set grows)
* params->iter is 500
* topics->wcount size is about 190k items
* topics->dcount size is about 275k items
* topics->tcount size is 35 items

I'm compling on an Opteron, with options: -03 -std=gnu99 -march=native -ffast-
math -ftree-loop-distribution -ftree-loop-linear -ftree-interchange -floop-
block -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=8

I'm using GCC 4.4.3.

The tree vectorizer spits out this note about the loop I'm particularly 
interested in:

for (int k = 1; k < n_topics; k++)
	cdf[k] = cdf[k-1] + (dcount[k+d_offset] + alpha)*(wcount[k+w_offset + 
beta)/(tcount[k] + wbeta);
note: not vectorized: data ref analysis failed D.8597_92 = *D.8596_91;

I've done hours of googling, playing with restrict keywords, splitting the 
cdf[k-1] addition into another loop, and nothing will help. The error message 
itself is very poor, as I can't find a decent explanation anywhere online as to 
what it means nor how to fix it.

Thanks for whatever insight you can give!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dSFMT.h"
#include "topicsort.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "memory.h"

// Initializes the system by randomly generating topic assignments for all of the words in the
// dataset.  It's assumed that all of the required memory has already been allocated.
void randomInit(TSTopics *topics, unsigned int *tokens, dsfmt_t *prng)
	const char msg[]  = "\r - Choosing random topics...%d%%";
	printf(" - Choosing random topics...");

	const unsigned int n_tokens = topics->n_tokens;
	for (int i = 0; i < n_tokens; i++)
		// Current token word and document
		unsigned int w = tokens[i];
		unsigned int d = tokens[i + n_tokens];

		// Generate a random topic and assign it to a word
		int t = (int)(topics->n_topics*dsfmt_genrand_close_open(prng));
		topics->assign[i] = t;
		++topics->wcount[t + w*topics->n_topics];
		++topics->dcount[t + d*topics->n_topics];
		//too slow on a large dataset
		//printf(msg, 100*((i+1)/n_tokens));

	printf("\r - Choosing random topics...done\n");

// Perfrom the LDA operation
void tsTopicLDA(TSTopics * topics, TSParams * params, TSCorpus * corpus)
	// Initialize the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG)
	dsfmt_t prng;
	dsfmt_init_gen_rand(&prng, params->seed);

	// Initialize the solver
	printf(" - Initializing tokens\n");
	randomInit(topics, corpus->tokens, &prng);

	// Stores the estimated CDF
	double * cdf;
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&cdf, sizeof(double)*params->topics);

	// Dereference all of the pointers (most are array pointers anyway so this can be done)
	const unsigned int n_tokens = corpus->n_tokens;
	const unsigned int n_topics = topics->n_topics;
	const double alpha = params->alpha;
	const double beta  = params->beta;
	const double wbeta = (double)corpus->n_words*params->beta;

	unsigned int * wrd_tokens = &corpus->tokens[0];
	unsigned int * doc_tokens = &corpus->tokens[n_tokens];
	unsigned int * restrict wcount = topics->wcount;
	unsigned int * restrict dcount = topics->dcount;
	unsigned int * restrict tcount = topics->tcount;
	unsigned int * restrict assign = topics->assign;

	printf(" - Gibbs sampler burn-in period set to %d iterations\n", params->iter);
	const char msg[] = "\r - Running iteration %d of %d";

	// Setup the timers (for metric purposes)
	struct timeval start;
	struct timeval end;
	struct timeval diff;

	diff.tv_sec  = 0;
	diff.tv_usec = 0;

	// Run the Gibbs Sampler for the given burn-in duration
	for (int i = 0; i < params->iter; i++)
		printf(msg, i+1, params->iter);

		// Record the start of the iteration
		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

		// Sample each word
		for (int j = 0; j < corpus->n_tokens; j++)
			const unsigned int w = wrd_tokens[j];
			const unsigned int d = doc_tokens[j];
			const unsigned int t = assign[j];

			const unsigned int w_offset = w*n_topics;
			const unsigned int d_offset = d*n_topics;

			double * restrict rcdf = cdf;

			// Decrement the counters for the current word to remove its influence
			--wcount[t + w_offset];
			--dcount[t + d_offset];

			// Infer the CDF from the current state
			//cdf[0] = (dcount[d_offset] + alpha)*(wcount[w_offset] + beta)/(tcount[0] + wbeta);
			//for (int k = 1; k < n_topics; k++)
			//	cdf[k] = cdf[k-1] + (dcount[k+d_offset] + alpha)*(wcount[k+w_offset] + beta)/(tcount[k] + wbeta);
			for (int k = 0; k < n_topics; k++)
				rcdf[k] = (dcount[k+d_offset] + alpha)*(wcount[k+w_offset] + beta)/(tcount[k] + wbeta);
			for (int k = 1; k < n_topics; k++)
				rcdf[k] += cdf[k-1];

			// Choose the most likely topic assignment based on the CDF
			double u = cdf[n_topics-1]*dsfmt_genrand_close_open(&prng);
			int new_topic = -1;
			for (int k = 0; k < n_topics; k++)
				if (rcdf[k] > u)
					new_topic = k;
			assign[j] = new_topic;

			// Increment the appropriate counts
			++dcount[new_topic + d_offset];
			++wcount[new_topic + w_offset];

		// Record the end of the iteration
		gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
		diff.tv_sec  += end.tv_sec  - start.tv_sec;
		diff.tv_usec += end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;

	// Free unused resources

	// Output the time it took to run the analysis
	double time = 1000.0*diff.tv_sec + 0.001*diff.tv_usec;
	printf("\n - Finished LDA in %g s (avg %g ms per iteration)\n", time/1000.0, time/params->iter);

// Fill the document ranks structure
void tsTopicDocRanks(TSRanks *ranks, TSTopics *topics, double alpha)
/*    const char msg[] = "\r - Index for document %d of %d";

	struct timeval start;
	struct timeval end;
	struct timeval diff;

	diff.tv_sec  = 0;
	diff.tv_usec = 0;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < topics->n_docs; i++)
		unsigned int *ind = &ranks->indices[i*ranks->n_ranks];
		double *val = &ranks->values[i*ranks->n_ranks];

		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
		tsTopicRankSimilar(ind, val, ranks->n_ranks, topics, i, alpha);
		gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

		printf(msg, i+1, topics->n_docs);

		diff.tv_sec  += end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
		diff.tv_usec += end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;

	double time = 1000.0*diff.tv_sec + 0.001*diff.tv_usec;
	printf("\n - Finished generating index in %g s (avg %g ms per doc)\n", time/1000.0, time/topics->n_docs);*/

// Fills the likelihood matrices
void tsTopicLikelihoods(TSTopics *topics, double alpha, double beta)
	const char doc_msg[] = "\r - Likelihood matrix for document %d of %d";
	const char wrd_msg[] = "\r - Likelihood matrix for topic %d of %d";

	struct timeval start;
	struct timeval end;
	struct timeval diff;

	diff.tv_sec  = 0;
	diff.tv_usec = 0;

	// Calculate the document-topic matrix
	for (unsigned int d = 0; d < topics->n_docs; d++)
		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

		unsigned int  sum   = 0;
		unsigned int *row   = &topics->dcount[d*topics->n_topics];
		double       *theta = &topics->theta[d*topics->n_topics];
		for (int t = 0; t < topics->n_topics; t++)
			sum += row[t];

		double den = (double)sum + alpha*topics->n_topics;
		for (int t = 0; t < topics->n_topics; t++)
			theta[t] = ((double)row[t] + alpha)/den;

		gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

		printf(doc_msg, d+1, topics->n_docs);

		diff.tv_sec  += end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
		diff.tv_usec += end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;

	double doc_time = 1000.0*diff.tv_sec + 0.001*diff.tv_usec;
	printf("\n - Finished document-topic matrix in %g s (avg %g ms per doc)\n", doc_time/1000.0, doc_time/topics->n_docs);

	// If the number of words is zero, don't find the phi matrix (some cases don't need the
	// word-topic distribution to be calculated.
	if (topics->n_words == 0)

	diff.tv_sec  = 0;
	diff.tv_usec = 0;

	// Calculate the topic-word matrix
	for (unsigned int t = 0; t < topics->n_topics; t++)
		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

		double *phi = &topics->phi[t*topics->n_words];
		double  den = (double)topics->tcount[t] + beta*topics->n_words;
		for (int w = 0; w < topics->n_words; w++)
			phi[w] = ((double)topics->wcount[t + w*topics->n_topics] + beta)/den;

		gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

		printf(wrd_msg, t+1, topics->n_topics);

		diff.tv_sec  += end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
		diff.tv_usec += end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;

	double wrd_time = 1000.0*diff.tv_sec + 0.001*diff.tv_usec;
	printf("\n - Finished topic-word matrix in %g s (avg %g ms per topic)\n", wrd_time/1000.0, wrd_time/topics->n_docs);
	printf(" - Finish both matrices in %g s\n", (doc_time + wrd_time)/1000.0);

// Compute the word likelihoods
double *tsTopicWordDist(TSTopics *topics, unsigned int t)
	if (t < 0 || t >= topics->n_topics)
		return NULL;

	return &topics->phi[t*topics->n_words];

// Return a topic likelihood vector for a given document
double *tsTopicDocDist(TSTopics *topics, unsigned int d)
	if (d < 0 || d >= topics->n_docs)
		return NULL;

	return &topics->theta[d*topics->n_topics];

// Compute the overall topic mixing parameters
double *tsTopicMixingParam(TSTopics *topics)
	double *params; //= (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*topics->n_topics);
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&params, sizeof(double)*topics->n_topics);

	unsigned int sum = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < topics->n_topics; i++)
		sum += topics->tcount[i];

	for (int i = 0; i < topics->n_topics; i++)
		params[i] = ((double)topics->tcount[i])/sum;

	return params;

// Ranks documents by similarity using symmetric KL divergence
/// @todo Optimize the way that values are added into the list (should work for now but will need to be improved)
void tsTopicRankSimilar(unsigned int *list, double *meas, unsigned int N, TSTopics *topics, unsigned int d, double alpha)
	double *kl  = meas;

	if (!meas)
		tsMemAlloc((void **)&kl, sizeof(double)*N);

	// Find the likelihoods for this particular topic and insert into the list
	double *p_x = tsTopicDocDist(topics, d);

	// Find sKL(X,Y)
	unsigned int num_ins = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < topics->n_docs; i++)
		double div = 0;

		// Find the likelihoods for the document to compare against
		double *p_y = tsTopicDocDist(topics, i);
		for (int j = 0; j < topics->n_topics; j++)
			div += p_x[j]*log(p_x[j]/p_y[j]) + p_y[j]*log(p_y[j]/p_x[j]);

		// Handle the empty-list case
		if (num_ins == 0)
			kl[0]   = div;
			list[0] = i;

		// Run through each element and try to find out where to insert it
		int ptr = -1;
		for (int j = 0; j < num_ins; j++)
			if (kl[j] > div)
				ptr = j;

		// Pointer wasn't assigned
		if (ptr < 0)
			kl[num_ins]   = div;
			list[num_ins] = i;
			num_ins = (num_ins < N) ? num_ins + 1 : N;

		// Pointer was assigned so shift everything down
		for (int j = N-1; j >= ptr; j--)
			kl[j]   = kl[j-1];
			list[j] = list[j-1];
		kl[ptr]   = div;
		list[ptr] = i;

		num_ins = (num_ins < N) ? num_ins + 1 : N;

	if (!meas)

// Utility Functions //
// Initialize the LDA parameter structure.
void tsTopicInitParams(TSParams *params, unsigned int N, unsigned int T, unsigned int S)
	params->iter    = N;
	params->topics  = T;
	params->seed    = S;
	params->alpha   = 5.0/(double)T;
	params->beta    = 0.01;

// Corpus Structure //

// Allocates the memory required for the corpus.
void tsTopicAllocCorpus(TSCorpus *corpus, unsigned int words, unsigned int words_total,
						unsigned int docs, unsigned int tokens, unsigned int cutoff)
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&corpus->tokens, sizeof(unsigned int)*tokens*2);
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&corpus->fwd_lut, sizeof(unsigned int)*(words+1));
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&corpus->rev_lut, sizeof(unsigned int)*(words_total+1));
	corpus->n_tokens    = tokens;
	corpus->n_words_all = words_total;
	corpus->n_words     = words;
	corpus->n_docs      = docs;
	corpus->cutoff      = cutoff;

// Frees the memory associated with the corpus.
void tsTopicFreeCorpus(TSCorpus *corpus)
	corpus->n_words = 0;
	corpus->n_docs  = 0;

	// tsMemFree(corpus->occur);

// Topics Structure //

// Allocates the memory required to store the LDA results.
void tsTopicAlloc(TSTopics *results, unsigned int topics, unsigned int tokens,
				  unsigned int words, unsigned int docs)
	results->n_topics = topics;
	results->n_words  = words;
	results->n_docs   = docs;
	results->n_tokens = tokens;

	size_t sz_words  = sizeof(unsigned int)*tokens;
	size_t sz_wcount = sizeof(unsigned int)*topics*words;
	size_t sz_dcount = sizeof(unsigned int)*topics*(docs+1);
	size_t sz_tcount = sizeof(unsigned int)*topics;
	size_t sz_phi    = sizeof(double)*topics*words;
	size_t sz_theta  = sizeof(double)*topics*docs;
	size_t sz_revlut = sizeof(unsigned int)*(docs+1);

	// Allocate the memory
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&results->assign, sz_words);
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&results->wcount, sz_wcount);
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&results->dcount, sz_dcount);
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&results->tcount, sz_tcount);
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&results->phi, sz_phi);
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&results->theta, sz_theta);
	tsMemAlloc((void **)&results->rev_lut, sz_revlut);

// Frees the memory for the particular topics structure.
void tsTopicFree(TSTopics *results)

	results->n_words  = 0;
	results->n_topics = 0;
	results->n_docs   = 0;

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