On 3/23/2010 11:02 PM, Rayne wrote:
I'm using GCC 4.1.2 20070626 on a server with Intel Xeon X5570.
How do I turn on the compiler option for SSE4? I've tried -msse4, -msse4.1 and -msse4.2, but they all returned the error message cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-msse4.1" (for whichever option I tried).
You would need a gcc version which supports sse4. As you said yourself,
your version is approaching 3 years old. Actually, the more important
option for Xeon 55xx, if you are vectorizing, is the -mtune=barcelona,
which has been supported for about 2 years. Whether vectorizing or not,
on an 8 core CPU, the OpenMP introduced in gcc 4.2 would be useful.
This looks like a gcc-help mail list question, which is where you should
submit any follow-up.
Tim Prince