Hristina Fidanoska wrote:
Last night I recompiled the GCC replacing it with a little bit older
version (gcc-4.5-20100121)
and the plugin still can not be loaded, but with a different error:
cc1plus: error: Cannot load plugin ../libimo/
../libimo/ undefined symbol:
"c++filt _ZN11NodeFactory10CreateNodeEN4BEEV4KindERKNS0_7ASTNodeES4_RKSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EE"
NodeFactory::CreateNode(BEEV::Kind, BEEV::ASTNode const&, BEEV::ASTNode const&, std::vector<BEEV::ASTNode, std::allocator<BEEV::ASTNode> > const&)
So the missing function is NodeFactory::CreateNode, whatever that is.
if it is helpful in a way or another...
(the _ZXXX name is a "mangled" name. In C++ the compiler encodes functions
and methods this way because the name is not enough to identify a function/method,
you need the parameters too.)