Hi all, I hope this is the right mailing list. I am the author of rsyslog, a modular and multi-threaded syslogd. I try to hunt down a memory adressing problem with mudflap, but I get some reports that I really can't understand. What happens is that these reports come up from inside a dlload()'ed module which is called from the main binary. The main program passes in two paramaters, a string (pointer to unsigned char) and a pointer to a function pointer. The module's entry point compares the string and writes the correct function address to the function pointer. All accesses to these two variables seem to trigger mudflap violations. I have checked the pointer sizes are correctly. I have compiled and linked the main program with -fmudflapth -lmudflapth and have compiled the module with -fmudflapth, but not linked it with any special directive (my understanding is that load-time linking will then link the module to the main program's mudflap libraries, what I think it is the correct thing to do). To double-check, I have then linked both the main program and the module against libmudflapth, and these problems disappear then. So the conclusion is probably straightforward. However, I still have a hang condition on some module loads when mudflap is enabled (and only then). So I wonder if I am doing something wrong and if there are any known problems with dlload(). Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks, Rainer