Hi, I would like to understand how an objective C is packed inside a binary and I am using a decompiler to see what is going on. What I would like to know is what does the following structure represents : _objc_data:00E2679C EXPORT _OBJC_METACLASS_$_UIButton __objc_data:00E2679C _OBJC_METACLASS_$_UIButton DCB 0 ; DATA XREF: __text:off_14708o __objc_data:00E2679D DCB 0 __objc_data:00E2679E DCB 0 __objc_data:00E2679F DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267A0 DCB 0x24 ; $ __objc_data:00E267A1 DCB 0x44 ; D __objc_data:00E267A2 DCB 0xE2 ; Ô __objc_data:00E267A3 DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267A4 DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267A5 DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267A6 DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267A7 DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267A8 DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267A9 DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267AA DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267AB DCB 0 __objc_data:00E267AC DCB 0x34 ; 4 __objc_data:00E267AD DCB 0xFC ; ³ __objc_data:00E267AE DCB 0xE5 ; Õ __objc_data:00E267AF DCB 0 For each objective-C class I can find an export like this, where can I find definitions for the fields ? Thanks