My loop doesn't vectorize. The message says:
./TestAutoVect.cpp:31: note: not vectorized: unhandled data-ref
23 void MaskRGBA(
24 const int *in,
25 const int * const inEnd,
26 int *out,
27 const int * const m)
28 {
29 for (;in<inEnd; ++in, ++out)
30 {
31 *out=*in&*m;
32 }
33 }
I found that when I change it to this
24 void MaskRGBA(
25 const int *in,
26 const int * const inEnd,
27 int *out,
28 const int * const mask)
29 {
30 const int m=*mask;
31 for (;in<inEnd; ++in, ++out)
32 {
33 *out=*in&m;
34 }
35 }
It gets vectorized. What is the reason behind that?