Hi, I'm trying to generate a version of GCC for the MC9S12XDP512. I'm a novice in this procedure and I've come across little on the internet about generating one for this chip. We're building in a Windows environment. From my understanding I need to generate a cross-compiler. I've looked at the following sites and they've been helpful: http://web.archive.org/web/20031207191536/crossgcc.billgatliff.com/cross gccfaq/t1.html http://www.nongnu.org/thug/cross.html http://gcc.gnu.org/install/ I've been running into a number of issues related to the version of tools used to generate GCC, the proper configuration to use (m6812 works, but m68S12 and m68hc12 do not), and various Windows problems. I'm wondering if anyone has generated a version of GCC for this chip and if so, what is the procedure you used along with tool versions. Thanks, Dave