"jay" <uniojnqoifazy@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > I have download libosip2-3.3.0 , but when I to compile sip_reg.c using "gcc > sip_reg.c -o sip_reg -leXosip -L/usr/local/lib -I../../include/ > -DHAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL -losipparser2" > ,I got some error msg : > sip_reg.c:55:28: error: eXosip2/eXosip.h: No such file or directory Please do not ask a new question by replying to an unrelated message. Please instead send a new message to gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxxx Using a reply breaks threading. Thanks. Your error message seems straightforward: gcc can not find the file eXosip2/eXosip.h. We can't help you with that. I recommend asking the authors of libosip2. Ian