Hi Joel, >Hi Eljay. The working draft I have access to [1] refers to "double underscore[s]" (i.e. two consecutive underscores) in, implying that e.g. MY__MACRO would be reserved but MY_OTHER_MACRO would not. Is that the rule you're referring to? > 1. http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2009/n2914.pdf Yes, you are correct. Good catch. My apologies, I was not clear. I meant (but did not explicitly state) two *adjacent* underscores. __RESERVED RESERVED__ ALSO__RESERVED AND_THIS_IS_RESERVED__ _RESERVED THIS_IS_NOT_RESERVED_ Sincerely, --Eljay ________________________________________ From: Joel Dice [dicej@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:40 PM To: John (Eljay) Love-Jensen Cc: Paulo Flabiano Smorigo; GCC Help List Subject: RE: Debug define name On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, John (Eljay) Love-Jensen wrote: > ALL symbols that have two underscores ANYWHERE in there name are > reserved, as per the C++ language specification (ISO 14882). Hi Eljay. The working draft I have access to [1] refers to "double underscore[s]" (i.e. two consecutive underscores) in, implying that e.g. MY__MACRO would be reserved but MY_OTHER_MACRO would not. Is that the rule you're referring to? 1. http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2009/n2914.pdf