Mixing C and Fortran90 with GNU compilers: problems !

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Dear GCC and Gfortran users and developers,
I am developing a scientific application mixing C and Fortran90 with a GTK+ interface. The reason of this choice is that I have already written a Fortran90 code (rings-code.sourceforge.net) computing almost everything I am interested in and I wanted to improve it and to create a GUI. I must say that so far everything was fine, but I have noticed a problem that I can not overcome
by myself.
The main routine is a C routine which initialises the GTK + interface.
Then I am calling the fortran routines for the physic/chemistry calculations. In a first time I have noticed that it is impossible to print (write statement) a real
or a double precision variable in the Fortran part of the code, ex:

SUBROUTINE printdata

REAL :: val=6.15

write (6,  001) val
001 FORMAT (f4.2)


When mixing C/Fortran90 compiled with the GNU compilers (gcc v4.3.2 20081105 or gcc version 3.4.6 20060404, and gfortran-gcc version 4.3.2 20081105 and linked with gfortran)
the previous statement fails with the following error message.:

(unit = 6, file = 'stdout')
Internal Error: printf is broken

I was not able to figure out what the problem was so I decided not print information from the fortran90
part of the code.
If anyone has a clue about that I would love to ear about it.

Nevertheless this is not my main problem, but may be related somehow to the fact that I can not either
read real or double precision variable from the Fortran90 part of the code:


REAL :: x, y, z

open (unit=20, file='positions.xyz', action='read', status='old')
read (20, *) x, y, z
close (20)


Then the program will not fail but will only read integer data, for instance if in the file is:
6.4567     3.4524      8.5644
then the code will store 6, 3 and 8 for the values of x, y and z ... no way to read real or double data. And this is really a problem for me ... does anyone have a clue to help me to solve that.

The results I describe here have been obtained on Linux as well as Windows using the MinGW version
of gcc and the Win32 version of gfortran.

PS: I tried to subscribe the gcc-help mailing list without success so far,
so can you please respond to this message to my personal email.

Dr. Sébastien Le Roux
Department of Physics
201 Dow Science
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, USA
E-mail:  s.le-roux@xxxxxxxxx
Webpage: http://www.phy.cmich.edu/people/lerou1s/
RINGS project: http://rings-code.sourceforge.net/
Fax:   +1 (989) 774 2697
Phone: +1 (989) 774 3180

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