Hello, I am adding OpenMP directives to a serial library I have been working on. However, I cant get any driver program linked to the library (dynamic linking) to execute. The program simply segfaults as soon as it starts executing anything in the openmp parallel code block. After "googling" for a while, the problem seems like it might be a lack of stack space, and there was one site that specifically gave an example of this problem: https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/openMP/exercise.html The file "omp_bug4" will segfault when run. However, the "fix" they provide does not work, I still get the segmentation fault (in my project and in the example they provide). I have tried adjusting my shell's stack limit with "ulimit -s unlimited" and other environment variables (KMP_STACKSIZE, GOMP_STACKSIZE, etc...) and all to no avail. My system specs are: Intel Core 2 Duo 1 GB ram Slackware 12.2 (GCC 4.2.4) I also compiled my own custom kernel, but using Slackware's as a template and only making minor ajustments. Is there perhaps some specific kernel configuration that could solve this problem? Any help is very much appreciated. Cheers