Although the Intel x86 processors are capable of computing remainder and
square root operations in hardware, both g++ and icpc (Intel compiler)
realize these operations in software [1].
Question 1: Is there any specific result why they do it this way (using
software implementation instead of hardware)?
Question 2: Is there any compiler option that force these operations to
be done in hardware?
I need these answers in order compare differences, if there is any, in
terms of performance and results.
Looking forward to hearing from anyone. Thank you very much!
[1] Frommer, A.; Husken, M., "Ensuring Numerical Quality in Grid
Computing," Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated
Numerics, 2006. SCAN 2006. 12th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on
, vol., no., pp.20-20, 26-29 Sept. 2006
g++ (the GNU compiler) or
icpc (the Intel compiler) on a Linux i386 platform, square
root and remainder are realized in software.
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Yipkei Kwok
Ph.D. Student
Research Assistant
HiPerSys Lab
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at El Paso
Phone: 915 747 6433 (O)
E-mail: ykwok2 at miners dot utep dot edu