Hi, From: "John (Eljay) Love-Jensen" <eljay@xxxxxxxxx> > Hi Hiroki, > > Worked on my machine. ... > Depending on your shell, you may need to escape the quotes, such as one of these two ways: > -D MYNAME=\"macrotest\" > -D MYNAME='"macrotest"' Ah, above worked, thank you! By the way, is there any method to strip strings prefix passed to __FILE__ macro? If .c file is specified by abosolute path, __FILE__ also prints absolute path: $ cat macro-test.c #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf ("%s: .... \n", __FILE__); return 0; } $ gcc `pwd`/macro-test.c -o macro-test $ ./macro-test /home/kaminaga/tmp/dir/macro-test.c: .... and I was looking for e.g. environment variable that would strip prefix such as in patch -p option... Best Regards, (Hiroki Kaminaga) t --