We have gotten this e-mail on the the 17th of Februari this year.
Hope it helps,
Toon Moene - e-mail: toon@xxxxxxxxx (*NEW*) - phone: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
At home: http://moene.org/~toon/
Progress of GNU Fortran: http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.4/changes.html
--- Begin Message ---
Dear gfortran developers,
The HDF5 library for the management of extremely large and complex
data collections, is another software package that it is also built
with gfortran.
Here there is a little help to get it with gfortran.
Jorge D'Elia.
# The HDF5 library for the management of extremely large and complex
# data collections. Current release HDF5 1.8.0 (02/13/2008)
# a) First, the ZLIB tool (http://zlib.net/) must be installed.
# current package
export NRO="1.2.1"
export PREFIJO=/usr/local/zlib/$NRO ; echo $PREFIJO
export BAS=/usr/local/paquetes/zlib-install ; echo $BAS
export FAB=${BAS}/${NRO} ; echo $FAB
# extracting
cd $BAS ; pwd
tar -zxvf zlib-${NRO}.tar.gz
# rename directory
mv zlib-${NRO} ${NRO}
chown -R root ${NRO}
chgrp -R users ${NRO}
chmod -R 775 ${NRO}
# building ZLIB
cd $FAB ; pwd
./configure --prefix=${PREFIJO}
make 2>&1 | tee make.log
make test 2>&1 | tee make-test.log
make install 2>&1 | tee make-install.log
# -------------------------------------------------
# b) Then, download the HDF5 library from
# http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/products/hdf5/index.html
# package version
export NRO="1.8.0"
export PREFIJO=/usr/local/hdf5/$NRO ; echo $PREFIJO
export BAS=/usr/local/paquetes/hdf5-install ; echo $BAS
export FAB=${BAS}/${NRO} ; echo $FAB
# extracting
cd $BAS ; pwd
tar -zxvf hdf5-${NRO}.tar.gz
# Rename directory
mv hdf5-${NRO} ${NRO}
chown -R root ${NRO}
chgrp -R users ${NRO}
chmod -R 775 ${NRO}
# Setting the GFORTRAN compiler
export FC=/usr/bin/gfortran ; echo ${FC}
# Setting the ZLIB tool which is the default tool for ./configure
export I1="/usr/local/zlib/1.2.1/include"
export L1="/usr/local/zlib/1.2.1/lib"
export ZLIB="${I1},${L1}" ; echo $ZLIB
# or the SZIP one (http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/doc_resource/SZIP/), as optional
# export I2="/usr/local/szip/2.1/include"
# export L2="/usr/local/szip/2.1/lib"
# export SZIP="${I2},${L2}" ; echo $SZIP
# Building HDF5
cd $FAB ; pwd
./configure --enable-cxx --enable-fortran --with-zlib=${ZLIB}
make 2>&1 | tee make.log # building
make check 2>&1 | tee make-check.log # run test suite
make install 2>&1 | tee make-install.log # install
make check-install 2>&1 | tee check-install.log # verify installation
## end
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--- End Message ---