Hi Duane, > Suggestions? Sure I could use sizeof(void *) also.. As long as you are writing your own malloc routine, why not add an alignment parameter? I was always a bit irked that malloc did not provide an alignment parameter. Sometimes you need PMMU alignment (256 alignment, I think), or AltiVec or MMX/SSE alignment (16 alignment), or CreateFile FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING (4096 alignment on x86, or 8192 alignment on x86_64), et cetera. extern void* MyMalloc(size_t byteSize, size_t alignment); typedef char byte; byte* buffer = (byte*)MyMalloc(81920, 4096); // 80KB, with 4KB alignment long double* pLongDouble = (long double*)MyMalloc(100 * sizeof(long double), sizeof(long double)); // 100 long doubles, with long double alignment SuperStruct* pSuperStruct = (SuperStruct*)MyMalloc(100 * sizeof(SuperStruct), sizeof(void*)); // 100 SuperStruct, with regular pointer apropos alignment. Just a thought. Sincerely, --Eljay