Hi Brian,
Thanks much for taking the time to look this up for me. Everything I
read seemed to say that these support routines were part of libc, so I
got lost wandering around libraries. I was thinking that maybe they were
in yet another library that I missed.
It makes much more sense to me to have the crt routines in the compiler,
I should have looked in there.
Brian Dessent wrote:
I don't know why you'd look in libtool, as that has nothing to do with
any of the above. It is simply an optional portability helper for the
build environment that is typically used in conjunction with autoconf
and automake in order to write portable build systems. It is mostly
just shell scripts and m4 macros, although it does include a small C
library (libltdl) that abstracts away the differences between the
various dlopen()-type APIs of many platforms.
Yeah, you are correct, but I just wanted to show that I had been looking
under all the rocks. There is so little info about crt on the web. I
spent the afternoon googling it from various angles and still could find
anything. (At one point I found a reference to "crtstuff," but could not
get a lead on that.) My next thought was an exhaustive search of the
various lib files as I was convinced it was not in gcc.
Thanks again for your assistance,
Tobin Maginnis