Dear Matthew
This was never a debate between the merits of UTF-8 verses UTF-16 verses
UTF-32, nor was it a debate about the merits of Linux/Solaris verses
Windows, it was a discussion about the lack of standardized support for
UTF-16 in gcc and with the move by Microsoft to deprecate UTF-8 in favour
for UTF-16, it would make life increasingly difficult for all gcc developers
to process UTF-16.
I can competently code in both a Linux/Solaris and Windows environment, I
choose primarily Windows because I like writing software that interacts with
people. Such social skills are surely lacking in other environments. And as
much as you would like to believe that people like me are Windoze
developers, it took me nearly 10 years to master the WinAPI plus MFC plus
.NET architectures, but only about 2 months to master the Linux/Solaris
I like technology, I like change, if Microsoft deprecates the .NET
architecture (which I think they have already done with .Net v3.5 XML / XSLT
architecture), I will just spend the time upgrading to the new design - who
wants to be a stick in the mud?
Yours sincerely,