walt wrote:
Brian Dessent wrote:
walt wrote:
*((unsigned long int *) tmp)++ = *((unsigned long int *) b1)++;
error: invalid lvalue in increment
The lvalue cast was a nonstandard gcc extension that was removed in 3.4;
in other words this is not valid standard C/C++.
Wow, that was fast, thanks. I'm quite sure I'd never write code
like that in the first place, mostly because it would never occur
to me to try it. If you had to fix that code, how would you do it?
I'm no expert, but I would expand and simplify it.
I don't know if C defines in what order the increments will occur
on either side of the = ?
So write it out explicitly - don't leave it to the compiler and
And maybe declare tmp and b1 fully, instead of casting.