when building with the following config (suspected relevant lines
marked with <<<<<****):
--prefix=/usr <<<<<****
--with-slibdir='\$\${prefix}/lib' <<<<<****
--enable-version-specific-runtime-libs <<<<<****
libiberty.a ends up in /usr/lib (and the multilib in /usr/lib/ppc64)
[[ with the cross-target version it ends up in /usr/target-apple-
darwin/lib/ (and m64 in usr/target-apple-darwin/lib/x86_64/ )]]
This appears to be ignoring the "--enable-version-specific-runtime-
libs" flags (which is honored AFAICT by all the other libs).
(the example is from 4.3.1 apple-darwin8
but this applies to every build I've tried so far => 4.2.1, 4.2.4,
4.3.1-branch and 4.4.0-trunk;
i686-apple-darwin8 and
Is this an installation bug ?
or is there some reason that libiberty.a should be treated
differently from, say, libssp.a?