Hello, My question: If I remove "-I-" gcc option, which option should I use to keep "inhibits the use of the current directory" functionality? Here is my case study: local/sim.h inc/sim.h inc/inc_sim.h main.c sim.h: #define TOTO 1 inc_sim.h: #include "sim.h" #define TITI 2 main.c: #include "sim.h" #include "inc_sim.h" .... >gcc -w -E -MM -Uunix -iquotelocal -iquoteinc main.c main.o: main.c local/sim.h inc/inc_sim.h inc/sim.h >gcc -w -E -MM -Uunix -iquotelocal -iquoteinc -I- main.c main.o: main.c local/sim.h inc/inc_sim.h So with "-I-" inc/inc_sim.h is not listed. Thanks in advance Fred __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? En finir avec le spam? Yahoo! Mail vous offre la meilleure protection possible contre les messages non sollicités http://mail.yahoo.fr Yahoo! Mail