Hello, I'm trying to use the SSE built-in function set (GCC4.2.3/Cygwin/Windows XP-64), but there are sereval problems. 1. How do I move a 32-bit value from a general purpose register into the lowest part of an XMM register? It seems that there is no built-in function to generate the movd instructions. This lack of feature stops me (i.e. I will have to write the algorithm in pure assembly, which somehow contradicts the usability of built-ins...). 2. I compile with -msse -msse2 -msse3, but the functions __builtin_ia32_loadsss and __builtin_ia32_loadaps (among others) are not recognized. However, the documentation says "The following built-in functions are available when -msse is used". 3. Why there are no __builtin_ia32_zeros() and __builtin_ia32_ones() synthesized functions? These constants are used very frequently, so it would be nice to support them as a special case extension... Best regards Piotr Wyderski ---------------------------------------------------- MARK KNOPFLER w Polsce! 2 maja 2008 na warszawskim Torwarze. Bilety na koncert dostępne na: wwW.livenation.pl i wwW.ticketpro.pl http://klik.wp.pl/?adr=http%3A%2F%2Fcorto.www.wp.pl%2Fas%2Fknopfler_warszawa.html&sid=303