Sorry, false alarm on the centos, I had a typo, using -with-mpft instead of
On OSX I found the config.log which has additional information:
configure:4542: checking for correct version of mpfr.h
configure:4573: gcc -o conftest -g -O2 -I/opt/pkg/gmp-4.2.2//include -I/opt/pkg/
mpfr-2.3.1//include conftest.c -L/opt/pkg/gmp-4.2.2//lib -L/opt/pkg/mpfr-2.3.
1//lib -lmpfr -lgmp >&5
ld: warning in /opt/pkg/mpfr-2.3.1//lib/libmpfr.dylib, file is not of required a
ld: warning in /opt/pkg/gmp-4.2.2//lib/libgmp.dylib, file is not of required arc
Undefined symbols:
"_mpfr_erfc", referenced from:
_main in cc4HUaNn.o
"_mpfr_atan2", referenced from:
_main in cc4HUaNn.o
"_mpfr_init", referenced from:
_main in cc4HUaNn.o
_main in cc4HUaNn.o
"_mpfr_subnormalize", referenced from:
_main in cc4HUaNn.o
So somehow the default architecture of gmp and mpfr aren't the same as what
gcc uses?
gcc-4.3.0 root# file /opt/pkg/mpfr-2.3.1//lib/libmpfr.dylib
/opt/pkg/mpfr-2.3.1//lib/libmpfr.dylib: Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked
shared library ppc64
gcc-4.3.0 root# file /opt/pkg/gmp-4.2.2//lib/libgmp.dylib
/opt/pkg/gmp-4.2.2//lib/libgmp.dylib: Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared
library ppc64