Brian Dessent wrote:
Egbert Jan van den Bussche wrote:
../../gcc/config/avr/libgcc.S: Assembler messages:
../../gcc/config/avr/libgcc.S:280: Error: illegal opcode movw for mcu avr3
../../gcc/config/avr/libgcc.S:282: Error: illegal opcode movw for mcu avr3
The errors are from the assembler, not from gcc. You might try updating
to the latest version of binutils (which contains the assembler) which
might have updated or fixed AVR support.
Thanks Brian. I went back just one release (GCC 4.2.2) and building
AVR-GCC is OK again. I'll try to investigate bit more. I did use the
2.18 binutils which compiled just fine on the same machine. There was an
issue some time ago (in the 4.1.1 era) with libssp. Maybe I was bitten
by that. During Configure you must specify --disable-libssp. This comes
all from the avwiki ( and I have no idea what libssp does.
Egbert Jan