Dear gcc support, I have an perhaps a strange question. I work at a free software release to make statistical analysis. The software has to work on Linux, OS X and windows. The computational core is a mix of f77 and f90/f95, which will be made of libraries, to be exported either as .a, or .so, or .dll and so on. I got it to work fine, until I stumbled on a strange problem. The module functions are mangled differently on OS X and Linux, which messes up my calls. One is mangled as __moduleName_MOD_functionName, the other one as __moduleName__functionName. Is there any reason why the mangling is done that way and do you have any idea of how could I fix it so that my function calls will port directly from system to system? Since I would like to make my libs available from R and other packages, it is very important for me that the calls are identical, so I don't have to multiplicated everything. Thanks a lot! Lorenzo