Sunzir Deepur wrote:
On Feb 18, 2008 12:21 PM, Andrew Haley <aph@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
After a considerabale amount of time (e.g. 15 seconds), something is suddenly
freed, and the compilation completes successfully.
It's waiting on I/O. This delay is either network related or a disk is
going to die. It almost certainly isn't a gcc bug.
You need to know whether it's waiting for disk or network; I can't help you
with that. Then you need to think about smartd reporting or somesuch.
Oh, and strace.
It's a simple compilation of a local file. No network involved. Assuming
there's a disk problem I would expect other system anomalities, but I haven't
encountered any other probelm.. strace shows that gcc hangs while doing waitpid.
Have you ever heard of such gcc hanging ? Do you have any suggestion as to
what can I check ?
Run gcc under strace -f.