OK I've solved the problem when you've just got the two simple classes
A & B. It seems is obscurely fussy about the current working directory.
It insists the current directory is the root of the project and you
specify the .java files as a sub path below that it will NOT allow you
to have the package dir containing the .java files as the current
directory. i.e
cd /path/to/project
gcj --main=net.mydomain.core.ClassA ./net/mydomain/core/ClassA.java
WILL work
cd /path/to/project/net/mydomain/core/
gcj --main=net.mydomain.core.ClassA ./ClassA.java ./ClassB.java
will NOT
If you then try linking against jar files using --classpath= you're back
to square 1.
Taking the above example (the 1st one) if you copy any .JAR file to
then do
gcj --main=net.mydomain.core.ClassA ./net/mydomain/core/ClassA.java
./net/mydomain/core/ClassB.java --classpath='./lo4j-1.2.8.jar'
you get the same error about not recognising ClassB.
Even appending the current dir onto the end of the classpath doesnt
solve it.
Any ideas?