On 30.01.2008, at 11:53, Ron Kreymborg wrote:
static void MyOverflowInterrupt(void) asm("__vector_16")
__attribute__ ((signal, __INTR_ATTRS));
Oh, this one is actually easy :-)
You just need another macro-indirection that uses the "stringify"
operator (#) of the pre-processor:
lohmann@mocca:~/tmp$ cat test.cpp
#define TIMER0_OVF_vect _VECTOR(16)
#define _VECTOR(N) __vector_ ## N
#define IRQ_VECTOR(vec) asm(#vec) __attribute__ ((signal,
class Timer0 {
static void MyOverflowInterrupt(void) IRQ_VECTOR(TIMER0_OVF_vect);
After pre-processing this becomes:
lohmann@mocca:~/tmp$ g++ -E test.cpp
class Timer0 {
static void MyOverflowInterrupt(void) asm("TIMER0_OVF_vect")
__attribute__ ((signal, __INTR_ATTRS));
P.S. Answers to to the list, please. Other readers might be
interested and contribute as well.
Sorry, I was not too clear here. The user does not really know the
number, only the "TIMER_OVF_vect" name. So the user definition:
static void MyOverflowInterrupt(void) asm(TIMER0_OVF_vect)
__attribute__ ((signal, __INTR_ATTRS));
must end up after macro substitution being presented to the compiler
static void MyOverflowInterrupt(void) asm("__vector_16")
__attribute__ ((signal, __INTR_ATTRS));
Perhaps not quite so easy :-(
Oh, sorry. In my attempt to explain things as simple as possible I
over-simplified the number of macro indirections. With the following
it should work:
lohmann@mocca:~/tmp$ cat test.cpp
#define TIMER0_OVF_vect _VECTOR(16)
#define _VECTOR(N) __vector_ ## N
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define IRQ_VECTOR(vec) asm(STRINGIFY(vec)) __attribute__ ((signal,
class Timer0 {
static void MyOverflowInterrupt(void) IRQ_VECTOR(TIMER0_OVF_vect);
lohmann@mocca:~/tmp$ cat test.cpp ; g++ -E test.cpp
class Timer0 {
static void MyOverflowInterrupt(void) asm("__vector_16")
__attribute__ ((signal, __INTR_ATTRS));