Hello, I'm new to the list and seeking immediately some answers - how rude ;-) So I have installed a Mac OS 10.5.1 system on a G4 (PPC) with XCode 3.0 installed. I want to compile clamAV and it complains about a bug in gcc. So I downloaded v 4.2.2 and tried to compile it, and it throws an error. Then I found some information on the net, that 4.2.3 which is RC, will compile and in fact it does :-) So I ran configure, make and make install, but it looks like v4.2.3 is not used, when I try to compile ClamAV. Obviously I miss something. What has to be done to complete the installation or update of gcc on a Mac? All informations I found in the list archives or on the internet didn't help much - XCode is installed and there is no update to XCode 3. Thanks and all the best Matthias