From: "Lucas Prado Melo" <lucaspm@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
#define die(msg) do { perror(msg); exit(1); } while(0)
This could be a function.
struct pack{
Stack stck;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
void *trashbin;
pthread_t peer[2];
struct pack pck;
//initialize pck mutex
if( pthread_mutex_init(&( pck.mutex), NULL) != 0 )
You forgot:
pck.stck = NULL; /* create empty stack */
//and make it multi-threaded
if( pthread_create(&peer[0], NULL, doPush, (void*)&pck) != 0 )
The pthread_create function returns an error code, and does not place it
into errno. So calling perror is useless.
You can use the strerror function to convert the returned value to a
//pops an element from stack
//return NULL if there's no element in the stack
void * pop(Stack * stck){
struct stack * de;
void * el;
de = *stck;
*stck = (*stck)->next;
if(de != NULL ){
The variable ``de'' is holds a copy of the original expression ``*stck''.
If ``de'' can be null, don't you think that the original ``*stck'' can also
be null? That means the stack is empty.
If the stack is empty, ``*stck'' being null, don't you think it's wrong to
evaluate ``(*stck)->next'' ?