Dear gcc-help:
I humbly admit that I have not used gcc since 1993 and that I am very
rusty. To add to my misery I am using all new tools - Eclipse with CDT
4.0.2 mingw gcc 3.4.5 etc.
All was going well until I tried to install the Boost libraries and
since I have been through, literally, two weeks of Hell. I am now at
the point that I get the below console output. The Boost list says that
it is a gcc issue and that my syntax for '-l' is incorrect. These are
bright guys if not very newby friendly and I am sure that they are right
but when I look at gcc documentation, I do not see what I am doing
wrong! I feel incredibly stupid and it may be a 'flat forehead' error
but I really, truly don't know what I am doing wrong. The boost guys
also say it would be better if I had their directory in the "install
tree" - if I understand them correctly, this is what caused a major
previous problem with their demo program running all their regression
tests while trying to compile, however. I don't mind reading manuals
and docs but maybe there is something for beginners on getting the
linker options right? Everything is very cryptic and there don't seem
to be any examples at:
Please help me, I am very, very desperate. Why is the syntax wrong?
Why do I get this error?
**** Build of configuration Debug for project BoostTest ****
mingw32-make all
'Building target: BoostTest.exe'
'Invoking: MinGW C++ Linker'
-Wl,--out-implib=boost -o"BoostTest.exe" ./main.o
cannot find
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make: *** [BoostTest.exe] Error 1