Hi. I have a library written on Fortran 90, it does some calculations with the user provided function INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DP = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(15,70) SUBROUTINE FDF(Z,F,DF) COMPLEX(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: Z COMPLEX(KIND=DP), INTENT(OUT) :: F, DF ... I want to wrap a call to a c++ function // 'fcc.hpp' extern "C" void fcc(complex<double> z, complex<double> &f, complex<double> &df); inside 'SUBROUTINE FDF'. How do I do it, and how do I then link the fortran module with the c++'s object file 'fcc.o' ? -- All compilations are done by GCC (or the 4.1.2 g++ and gfortran pair is used, or the 3.4 g++ and g77 ) -- c++ runtime is properly initialized, as the program starts in c++, then calls fortran which then wants to call c++. Thank you. Dima.