-----Original Message----- From: "Lee Rhodes" <lee@xxxxxxxxx> To: <gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <brian@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:24:08 -0700 Subject: Help compiling 4.3.0 I didn't build with libgomp (openMP) or libmudflap (bounds checking for c), and I am wondering if I should have, but I am not sure of the consequences. 1. Does the absense of libmudflap prevent optional bounds checking in C++? 2. Does the absense of libgomp prevent thread programming? If I need to rebuild using these libraries, where do I get them? I couldn't find them in cygwin setup. ________________________________ You don't need any C++ or libgomp components from cygwin to include these libraries in your new build. I think about everyone has disabled mudflap for cygwin, as it seems to work poorly. libgomp isn't enabled by default, as it is for linux. I supposed that was on account of the fairly high error rate, yet I thought it worked often enough to be worth testing. Leaving it out doesn't disable explicit threading, simply prevents the -fopenmp option from working. Configure option --enable-threads takes care of enabling an explicit threading library. Tim Prince