-----Original Message----- From: "Smith-Rowland, Edward M" <ESmith-rowland@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: <gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 12:06:39 -0400 Subject: Fortran modules: I think I understand the syntax. It's the compilation I don't understand. I keep getting: Fatal Error: File 'gammax.mod' opened at (1) is not a GFORTRAN module file What do you call the module source? Where do you put it? How does it compile? ___________________________ Make the module source file a .f90 file, if it is free form. The simple way to compile is gfortran yourmodule.f90 yoursources.f90 Don't create a .mod file except by using the same compiler. Once the module file has been compiled, the USE in your source will find it if you stay in the same directory, or use -I to specify a directory to be searched. Tim Prince