Hi! I'm working on getting a compiler-farm up, that can cross compile to multiple platforms. It's allready almost done, but there are some small problems left over. Since the Compiler-Farm will only compile (no preprocessing, no linking, etc.) because of usage of DISTCC, i wanted to ask if there is a way to build binutils/gcc in a way that there are only the really necessary parts (as, gcc, g++) without support for linking and other unwanted stuff. The second problem is, how to find out what to put in the sysroot packages used to bootstrap the crossc ompilers for each platform. At the moment this is a really annoying manual process of sorting out and tar'ing together /usr/include and /usr/lib with some additional softlinks. Is there a somewhat short list of files i need for this purpose? The sysroot package is used only for bootstrapping gcc, since everything that the cross-gcc will see is preprocessed allready. Any comments/ideas appreciated ;o) Thanks in Advance, Markus