Hi Perry, > Of course, the code produced catches that at run time but I'm looking > for something somehow to tag my functions so that "mistakes" like > this are caught at compile time. (Similar to what happened to you. > I'm looking for a way to catch that at compile time.) I wonder if g+ > + has a compile time flag to catch that. Alas, no. Nor do I know of any "C++ Lint" wholistic analysis tool that provides that information. (If anyone knows of such a tool, PLEASE share that information!) Java's exception scheme is a little more helpful (at compile time) for abiding by the exception contract. But C++ is not Java. And even in Java there are some caveats, and day-in-day-out Java programmers have their own list of issues with Java's exception scheme; so it's no bed of roses over in Java land either. "If we used Java we wouldn't have these problems; we'd have all new problems!" Sincerely, --Eljay