glorfinion wrote: > Im new to Linux i am using Suse.10 and KDE. With Konsole as a shell > environment > as i think its called and am having problems installing an apache webserver. > To > do so i need a c compiler such as GCC. I downloaded the whole box and dice > from > GCC 4.4.1 tarball and extracted it. I then tried to configure the GCC You are really getting yourself off-track and confused here. You're trying to compile a program (in this case the compiler itself) from source, but you do not have a compiler installed. In doing so you are doomed to failure and making things extraordinarily more complicated than they need be. Forget trying to compile gcc from source. Almost nobody does this in practice because every linux distribution on the face of the earth provides gcc as a simple binary package. Run whatever your distro uses to install packages and simply select gcc (and possibly also additional sub-languages, such as gcc-g++, gcc-fortran, gcc-java, whatever). For example, "apt-get install gcc" or "yum install gcc". A slightly longer version of this reply is <>. Brian