I'm a little rusty, having been away from Fortran for quite a few years.
I'd like to do a project in Fortran that involves making a binary
editor. This means reading and writing a binary (unformatted) file.
It's not going smoothly.
Here are some key elements of the gfortran program:
parameter (nd = 28)
integer * 1 dat(nd)
open(11, file = "abc.xxx", iostat = ios,
1 form = "unformatted", status ="old" )
open(22, file = "abc.yyy", form = "unformatted")
read(11) dat
write(22) dat
Here's the contents of the input file abc.xxx:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456 It's 32 bytes long. But Fortran won't
let me read the whole thing. That's the reason for nd = 28. nd = 29
gives a read error.
When I write out onto abc.yyy the 28 bytes that were just read in, the
result is 36 bytes long. It consists of bytes 5 through 32 of abc.xxx,
preceded and followed by the 4 bytes (hex) 1c 00 00 00 for a total of 36
bytes. Note that 1c hex is 28, which is the number of bytes actually read.
My question is, how do I get the output file to be the same as the input?
Operating system is XP home, SP2.
Bob Margulies bob2222@xxxxxxxxxxxxx