Greetings, This may probably be the wrong mailing list to ask this question. But due to many compiler experts in this list, I hope to get this clarified. The issue is about passing arguments in registers: Most of the RISC architecture's I presume, pass function arguments in registers, as its faster. For example in PowerPC arguments are passed in r3-r7 and return value is in r3 (for 32 bit return values). The same registers are used for passing arguments and for return values. It is the same case with ARM. I also think that it's the same case with other RISC architectures. But TriCore's EABI specifies separate registers for passing arguments and returning values. D2-D3 for returning values and D4-D7 for passing arguments. My question is : Will it make a difference from a compiler writer's point for this type of calling convention. From experience, will it make for a differnce in performance. On the surface, it seems like it does, as there most of functions do not return values and most anyway don't return 64 bit values. So reusing the registers as PowerPC does may be better. Any insigths ? Best Regards, Ravishankar