Hello ALL! I'm working in a project to automatic create parallel code for anthill program model http://homepages.dcc.ufmg.br/~dorgival/artigos/sbac2005.pdf the goal is to translate a C uniq source into various C source files that represent the parallelized code. I've been looking for a compiler frontend to do that and i'm testing the SUIF compiler interface, but i think gcc could be more powerfull and helpfull. I wish to use the intermediate gcc format informations (cfg and SSA) to create the C sources. I wish to know if there exists any plugin that translate these intermediate format into C sources. I intent to modify these intermediate formats and retranslate then into C source to anylise the trasnsformations. Thanks! -- Leonardo Luiz Padovani da Mata barroca@xxxxxxxxx "May the force be with you, always" - Obi-Wan Kenobi "Nerd Pride... eu tenho. Voce tem?" - Rafael F. Alvarenga