Greetings. I'm not sure I'm sending my question/problem to the right place. If not, maybe you can suggest who I might contact. Anyway... One of my colleagues found a problem with a sample program I had posted in my lecture notes. The program involved using an fstream object for both input and output to/from a file. Here's the relevant chunk of code: fstream aFile;, ios::in | ios::out); if (!aFile) { cout << ?Oops! Didn?t open!?; exit(0); } aNewLine = ?A new record.?; //aNewLine and oneLine are string class vars aFile << aNewLine << ?\n?; getline(aFile, oneLine); while (aFile) { cout << oneLine << ?\n?; getline(aFile, oneLine); } aFile.close(); The "data.txt" file contains: Record 1 Record 2 Record 3 Record 4 When I/we run the program as written, nothing is displayed. In fact, it never goes into the "while" loop (even though the file stream is still "good" - I checked). After the program executes, the file contains the expected: A new record d 2 Record 3 Record 4 After mucking about with various debugging attempts, I finally tried using "tellg" and "tellp" to find out where the read/write marker was. Here's the modified code (sans opening the file): aNewLine = "A new record."; aFile << aNewLine << '\n'; aFile.tellp(); aFile.tellg(); getline(aFile, oneLine); while (aFile) { cout << oneLine << '\n'; getline(aFile, oneLine); } This gave the results the original program was supposed to!! My question is "Why?!" You might need to know that we're running a gnu compiler (v. 3.4.5) on a UNIX server. Prior to some upgrades and such that were done about 10 days ago, the original program ran just fine. Any input/suggestions/explanations you might provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Regards, Phyllis Tedford Instructor - Computer Science Computing and Math Sciences Dept. College of Science & Technology Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi 6300 Ocean Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78412 Ph: (361) 825-3711