I am trying to install gcc on Ubuntu linux on a Mac powerpc architecture. I have successfully unpacked the tarball and have tried to build it in a directory other than the directory containing the unpacked tarball (the source directory) as per the instructions. However when I run "sourceDirectory/configure" it halts configuration because it can not find gcc or cc at lines 1808 and 1838. The instructions contain the following: Second, when configuring a native system, either cc or gcc must be in your path or you must set ccin your environment before running configure. Otherwise the configuration scripts may fail. I do not know exactly what is meant by cc or gcc must be in the path. I assume it is referring to the path variable in "/etc/environment", but I do not know what cc or gcc must be in the path refers to. Could anyone please expand on this for me? Sincere regards Ian Smith iwsmith@xxxxxxxxxxx