Dear ALL: I know this is an old question and I've done some googling. I successfully built gcc 2.96 on a redhat 7.3 computer with its installation in /usr/local/gcc/2.96. (I built this with gcc 2.96 located in /usr/bin) Then I clone the whole directory /usr/local/gcc/2.96 to another computer and its OS is gentoo 2005. Then successfully I can build driver modules using gcc 2.96 in gentoo OS and let it run on other computers with kernel built by gcc 2.96. But when it comes to application programs, I can not just clone the shared libraries on a red hat 7.3 computer to somewhere else on the gentoo computer and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH. It always links to gentoo's default libraries when compiling with gcc 2.96 on the gentoo computer. And if I copy the compiled application program to a Red Hat 7.3 environment, it would complain abount wrong libraries that not compiled with gentoo's gcc. Can someone give me some hints about this. thanks. -- The sun is shinny but the ice is slippery.