Hi, I am trying to understand what "versions" of C and C++ exists, and what are supported by GCC. *Language Standards Supported by GCC* http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.0/gcc/Standards.html#Standards *Options Controlling C Dialect* http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.0/gcc/C-Dialect-Options.html For example, i can say "At project X we will use PHP 5.1, or JAVA 1.5", but if i use C++ what can i say ? Google tells me about two C++ Standards ( C++98 / C++03 ) / /and two C Standards ( C89 / C99 ), so i can say this : "I will use C++ ISO98 on project X, by using GCC with *-std=**c++98*" "I will use C ISO99 on project X, by using GCC with *-std=**c99*" Thanks, João Lopes