> I think he means the 'PBGroutines.c' and > 'PBGRoutines.h' code. The first 15 > lines of 'PBGroutines.c' and the first 30 lines of > 'PBGroutines.h' is > probably good enough. > > Messages like "PBGroutines.c:7: error: ..." and > "PBGroutines.c:9: error: > ..." are telling you that there are (what gcc > considers to be) errors in > line 7 of PBGroutines.c and line 9 of PBGroutines.h > respectively ...... and > so on ..... Thanks for replying Rob. I am including the lines from those two files and I sure hope that you guys can spot something because the people who are responsible for this software swear on a stack of bibles that it compiles and runs in a CygWin environment and then proceed with giving me no further information about the possible necessary CygWin/GNU compiler settings. Cheers, MariLiza %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIRST LINES FROM PBGroutines.c: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef linux # if !defined __off64_t_defined typedef __off64_t off64_t; #define __off64_t_defined #endif #endif #include "PBGroutines.h" #ifdef gribAPI long date_to_Julian(long ddate); long Julian_to_date(long jdate); #else long date_to_julian(long ddate); long julian_to_date(long jdate); #endif integer pbginitInput(_fcd filename, fortint filename_len); integer pbginitOutput(_fcd filename, fortint filename_len); void copyName(_fcd * , _fcd , fortint ); fortint readgrib(FILE * file, unsigned char * buffer, fortint * prod_len); void pbgindx(fortint); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIRST LINES FROM PBGroutines.h: #ifndef PBG_ROUTINES_H #define PBG_ROUTINES_H #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #ifdef FOPEN64 #define OFF_T off64_t extern OFF_T ftello64(FILE *); #else #define OFF_T off_t #endif #define _fcd char * #define fortint int #define integer int #define bool int #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_GRIBS 100 typedef struct gribfile { FILE * fp; _fcd fname; char readwriteflag; integer max; integer count; OFF_T * offset; integer * length; integer * parameter; integer * level; integer * date; integer * time; integer * timestep; integer * localDefinitionNumber; integer * type; integer * stream; integer * repres; integer * levtype; integer * number; integer * vdate; integer * vtime; integer * tcNumber; integer * tcTotal; __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com