I am developing a c2vcg program which takes C Program text and produces GDL of flow chart usable for VCG (Visual Compiler Graphics,) This program can now work for normal ANSI C some time fails on some special. In this I simply written a Bison Grammer file generating GDL according to Sources. I want for my program to work for GNU C, But I am not getting any starting point here. I didn't understand whether GEM could help for this. Please tell whether it is possible to integrate this program/module in GCC or it should be totally seperate from it. work as independent program. If it is good to integrate in GCC so please tell how should I start it in GCC me a starting point. This is my gram.y view for one construct. iteration_statement: FOR '(' ';' ';' ')' statement { crtnode (++node, strdup ("for (;;)"), "rhomb", NULL); crtedge (EDGE, node, $6->flows->entry, NULL, NULL); crtoutsedge (BENTNEAR/*EDGE*/, &($6->flows->outs), node, FORWARD); crtoutsedge (BACK, &($6->flows->cnt), node, FORWARD); $$ = $6; $$->flows->entry = node; $$->flows->sttyp = LOOP; push_link (&($$->flows->outs), crtnodtyp (node, LOOP)); push_list (&($$->flows->outs), $6->flows->brk); $$->flows->brk = NULL; } Regard Sharad