We are students of Warsaw University of Technology and we are in our
final year.
We've just started working on our final project at our university.
We'd like to develop the STL library and enhance it with some features.
We checked out the GNU source using the svn command:
svn -q checkout svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/trunk gcc
Now, we'd like to modify the gnu sources that we downloaded and test the
changes in our programm.
In other words, we don't want to recompile the standard library that is
installed on our computer, but we'd like to make some changes in the
downloaded repository and check if our programms if the changes work.
Could you write us what command we should use?
We'd like to emphasize that we don't want to recompile whole gcc on our
computer, we just want to make use of changes we did in the repository.
Thank you very much for any help,
Marek Zuk
Maciej Lozinski
Piotr Borkowski
Warsaw University of Technology,
Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science