Tuesday 23 May 2006 19:10 samaye, Andrew Haley alekhiit: > You call swe_fixstar with the argument 0 (star) = spicanaama. > swe_fixstar does > sprintf(star, "%s,%s", cpos[0], cpos[1]) > so, it overwrites its input argument (spicanaama). But spicanaama > isn't big enough to contain the resulting string, so it overwites the > next variable, which is grahanaama[0]. Thanks. Changing the size of spicanaama to 41 solved the problem. The library developer informed me that though the documentation said 40 bytes, it was a bug and it should be 41. So I allocated 41 bytes to it and that was all. -- Tux #395953 resides at http://samvit.org playing with KDE 3.51 on SUSE Linux 10.1 $ date [] CCE +2006-05-24 W21-3 UTC+0530
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